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Senator Omo-Agege’s supporters storm NASS in protest [PHOTOS]

Senator Omo-Agege’s supporters storm NASS in protest [PHOTOS] %Post Title

Protesters on Wednesday morning stormed the National Assembly demanding for the recall of the suspended Senator representing Delta Central Senatorial district, Ovie Omo-Agege.

The protesters who are majorly young men carried placards with various inscriptions describing the Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki as being authoritative.

The group in a letter submitted to the Senate President, a copy of which was obtained by DAILY POST, put the Senate President on notice that if nothing was done to recall the lawmaker immediately, Niger Deltans would occupy the Senate.

It also added that failure to recall Omo-Agege should be considered as an invitation to anarchy.

“We demand that our Senator Ovie Omo-Agege should continue to represent us and notification for self representation pending the resolution of unconstitutional, anarchical and tyrannical suspension by the Senate leadership”, it said.

Meanwhile, Police officers who have been keeping vigil over rumours of protesters loyal to the embattled lawmaker, have barricaded the protesters from entering the complex.

Representative of the Senate President, Hajia Amina Mohammed collected the letter, saying that she will deliver it to the Senate President immediately.

Senator Omo-Agege’s supporters storm NASS in protest [PHOTOS] %Post Title

Senator Omo-Agege’s supporters storm NASS in protest [PHOTOS] %Post Title

Senator Omo-Agege’s supporters storm NASS in protest [PHOTOS] %Post Title

Senator Omo-Agege’s supporters storm NASS in protest [PHOTOS] %Post Title

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