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Seven-year-old girl, stroke patient die as fire guts Lagos building

Seven-year-old girl, stroke patient die as fire guts Lagos building %Post Title
A girl of about seven years old and a 53-year-old man have been confirmed dead after fire gutted two buildings on Ogunmokun Street, in the Mushin area of Lagos State.

Our correspondent gathered that the fire started around 3 pm after the girl lighted a gas cooker, which later exploded.

A resident, Ewatomi, who spoke to our correspondent from the scene of the incident, said as of 5 pm, the fire was still raging.

She said, “The fire started from a three-storey building and it has spread to the two-storey building beside it. The houses are too close to each other. Nobody could go upstairs to rescue anybody because smoke covered everywhere.

“The fire service did not show up until one hour after the incident. And when they came, they brought two fire trucks. Not long after, they ran out of water and the area boys had to mobilise to support them.

“Two corpses have been brought out: the girl suspected to have started the fire and the 53-year-old man, whom they said had a stroke and could not make any effort to save himself.”

The Public Relations Officer, Lagos State Fire Service, Mrs Adeleke Ashimi, could not be reached for comment as of press time.  (Punch)
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