Special Report: Coronavirus tamed in 50 countries(Full List)
As at Thursday 21 May coronavirus has infected over 5,122,000 people in the world and killed over 330, 000 people.
The U.S., Russia, Brazil, UK, Spain have the biggest caseloads of the deadly virus.
However, some other countries, even with great burden, appear to understand better how to tame the virus.
They are the countries which have decoded the virus DNA.
They were able to devise a treatment regime that gives their people a cure.
They were able to do so as the world frantically searches for a silver-bullet vaccine.
Those countries have registered the highest level of recoveries out of the global total of 2,043,137.
Eritrea in Africa’s horn virtually wrestled the virus to the ground, scoring 100 percent by curing 39 patients out of 39.
Switzerland, Austria, South Korea, Australia, Thailand, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Taiwan belong to this category.
Others are Mauritius and Reunion.
Germany which has a heavy caseload of the virus with 178,568 cases, has the best recovery rate among the worst-hit nations in Europe.
The country cured and discharged 158,000 of the afflicted, scoring 88 percent.
Spain scored 70 percent and Italy 58.
Germany’s high success level made it open itself for business and sporting activities.
Israel, Turkey, Iran, Ireland, Japan, Denmark, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, Niger, Burkina Faso also performed well.
Nigeria with 6677 cases scored only 27 percent, discharging just 1,840 people as at 20 May.
The United States, which bears the biggest burden of the disease with 1,595,081 has been able to discharge 370,971, just 23 percent.
Countries Caseload Recovery %
Spain 279,524 196,958 70
Italy 227,364 132,282 58
Germany 178,568 158,000 88
Turkey 152,587 113,987 74.7
Iran 129,341. 100,564 77.75
China 82,967 78,249 94
Canada 80,142 40,776 50.87
Saudi Arabia 65,077 36,040 55
Mexico 56,594. 38,876 68
Switzerland 30,694 27,800 90.5
Ireland 24,315 21,060 86.6
Romania 17,585 10,581 60
Israel 16,670 13,617 81.6
Austria 16,404 14,951 91.1
Japan 16,385 12,286 75
Denmark 11,182 9,643. 86
South Korea 11,122 10,135 91
Panama 9,977 6,194 62
Czechia 8,721 5,830 66
Algeria 7,542 3,968 52
Morocco 7,185 4,212 58
Malaysia 7,059 5,796. 82
Australia 7,081 6,472 91
Iraq 3,724 2,438. 65
Thailand 3,037 2,897. 95
Uzbekistan 2,950 2,407 81.6
Croatia 2,237 2,407 88.4
Cuba 1,900 1,573 82.7
N/Macedonia 1,898 1,378 72
Lithuania 1,593 1,049 65.8
N/Zealand 1,503 1,452 96
Hong Kong 1,064 1,029 96
Tunisia 1,045 862 82
Latvia 1,025 694 67
Lebanon 1,024 663 64
Mali 931 543 58
Cyprus 922 516 55
Niger 920 738 80
Costa Rica 897 582 64
Burkina Faso 812 669 82
Uruguay 746 588 78
Andorra 762. 639 83
Georgia 721 485 67
Malta 599 468 78
Taiwan 441 407 92
Reunion 447 411 92
Palestine 398 346 87
Mauritius 332 302 91
Eritrea 39 39 100