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Europa League trophy stolen

Arsenal FC Coach, Arsène Wenger’s hopes of ending his Arsenal career with his hands on the Europa League trophy in Lyon, France almost suffered a setback when it reportedly went missing in León, Mexico. The Guanajuato state…

Fact file on Arsene Wenger

Fact file on Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger after the Frenchman announced on Friday he will leave the club at the end of the season after almost 22 years in charge: Name: Arsene Wenger Date of birth: October 22, 1949 Place of…

I know how to win – Mourinho

Jose Mourinho has not lost faith in his managerial qualities after Manchester City were crowned Premier League champions, Skysports reports. The Manchester United boss called his players “masters in complication” after they got carried…

Pogba issue hanging over Man United

Manchester United may wonder which Paul Pogba is going to turn up when struggling West Bromwich Albion visit Old Trafford in the Premier League on Sunday. Will it be the player who has disappointed for much of the season, or the one…