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Three policemen arrested for allegedly leasing AK-47 to robbers

Three policemen arrested for allegedly leasing AK-47 to robbers %Post Title

Three police officers stationed at the Weija District Police Command have been arrested by the Greater Accra Regional Police Command’s anti-robbery squad for allegedly hiring out their assigned AK-47 rifles to armed robbers.

A source close to the police has told Adomonline that the police officers who work at Kokrobite and Weija hired the guns to the robbers over the weekend for robbery.

A man close to the Weija District Police Command (name withheld) said after the police officers handed over the guns to the robbers, the robbers were involved in a serious accident on their way for the alleged robbery activities.

The source said the robbers had to be rescued by an ex-police officer who overheard the suspects saying they had left their guns behind, causing him to prompt the police.

The full names of the suspects are not yet known, but the source said two of them go by the names Biggie and Stanley.

Weija District Police Commander, DSP Joseph Afuakpah, said that the incidence was a big blow to them but said he wasn’t in the position to further speak on the matter, as it was now in the hands of the anti-robbery unit of the Ghana Police Service.

DSP Joseph Afuakpah, however, said the case including the three police officers has been handed over to the Regional Police Command for further investigations.

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