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Tinubu Confident About Tribunal Judgement – Ajuri Ngelale

Tinubu Confident About Tribunal Judgement – Ajuri Ngelale %Post Title

Special Adviser to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu on Media and Publicity, Ajuri Ngelale, has said the president is confident about the presidential tribunal judgement.

Ngelale stated this during an interview on Channels TV’s Politics Today.

“The Presidential Elections Petition Tribunal has fixed Wednesday, September 6, 2023, for judgment in the petitions challenging the February 25 presidential election.”

“The president believes in the sanctity and integrity of the Nigerian judicial system. He believes that they make their judgment based on the facts before them.”

Ngelale said Tinubu believes that the mandate which Nigerians gave to him would stand

He said, “He believes that the mandate which Nigerians gave to him would stand. This is the position of the president. He will continue to ensure that no matter the outcome of the judgment, he will make sure that our institutions continue to be respected.

“The president is not worried simply because he won the election. We believe that we have presented the best case; we have the evidence on our side; we have the most talented legal team in the country that is working with the best facts. We won across almost all the geopolitical spread with the right numbers.”

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