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Today, nobody knows what to believe anymore – Lai Mohammed

Today, nobody knows what to believe anymore - Lai Mohammed - Photo/Image

Lai Mohammed, minister for information, has called on social media “influencers” to join the fight against fake news.

Mohammed made the call at a stakeholders meeting in Lagos.

He said the federal government launched the national campaign against fake news on July 11, 2018, to sensitise Nigerians of the dangers it poses to peace and security.

He said the campaign was more urgent now so as to curb its spread ahead of the 2019 elections.

“As part of the modality for the campaign, we said we will use all the information dissemination tools at our disposal, work with both the traditional and social media, as well as the National Orientation Agency (NOA) to get the word out there on the need for all to shun fake news and to do everything possible to stem its tide,” he said.

“Therefore, we are here today to dialogue with you, as critical stakeholders. Your credibility, and indeed your source of livelihood, is at stake. If the society loses confidence in the media, especially social media, because of fake news, you will be the worst hit. And we are very close to that point now.

“Today, nobody knows what to believe anymore. You read something online, and within a few hours, it is denied. The fake news epidemic is spreading fast.

“This is where you come in; you must not lend your various platforms to the spread of fake news. Yes, it offers instant gratification. But it doesn’t last. Once your platform is identified as a source of fake news, your credibility is gone. And once you lose your credibility as a news channel, nothing is left.

“The traditional media has signed on to this campaign. The Nation, Vanguard and Leadership newspapers are co-sponsoring the campaign. The Nigeria Television Authority (NTA), the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) and the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) are also on board.

“I am therefore calling on you today to join us in this campaign. A starting point is for you to put a banner on your various platforms that says: SAY NO TO FAKE NEWS! Of course, a platform that abhors fake news will not engage in one.”

He urged Nigerians to always check for the credibility of a news source before sharing the information.

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