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Total Shutdown Imminent as Aviation and Banks Vow to Join Nationwide Strike

Total Shutdown Imminent as Aviation and Banks Vow to Join Nationwide Strike %Post Title








The aviation and banking industries have thrown their support as the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) have announced plans to embark on a nationwide strike starting October 3, 2023.

POLITICS NIGERIA reports that the unions are protesting the government’s failure to address the plight of Nigerian workers.

The unions are demanding wage increases, the implementation of relief measures, tax exemptions, and improved allowances for public sector workers, as well as a review of the minimum wage.

The National Association of Aircraft Pilots and Engineers (NAAPE) has confirmed that its members will join the strike, which is expected to ground flights across the country.

The president of NAAPE said, ”Of course, we’d be joining the strike, we’re an affiliate of the NLC. We just finished a meeting, everybody is part of it.”

Asked if activities at the airport would be grounded, he said, “Yes, everywhere.”

Similarly, the National Union of Air Transport Employees (NUATE) and the Association of Senior Staff of Banks, Insurance and Financial Institutions (ASSBIFI) have also said that their members will participate in the strike.

Also, the President of the National Union of Air Transport Employees, Ben Nnabue, confirmed it will also down its tools in accordance with the NLC declaration.

He said, “Yes, we are an affiliate of NLC, so we’d be joining the strike.”

The Head of Media of the Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria, Mr. John Ikemefule, has also affirmed that maritime workers would down tools from Tuesday.

He stated, “It has been confirmed that the union will be joining the NLC and TUC to shut down the country from October 3rd. There will be a total and indefinite shutdown of the country. We are going to withdraw our members from jetties and terminals.’’

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