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Trump wanted to call out 10,000 soldiers against demonstrators – CBS

Trump wanted to call out 10,000 soldiers against demonstrators - CBS - Photo/Image
Soldiers guard the White House last Sunday






U.S. President Donald Trump wanted to deploy some 10,000 active duty soldiers to quell protests in the capital Washington and elsewhere in the United States earlier last week, broadcaster CBS reported.

But Defence Secretary Mark Esper and the Chairman of the Joint of Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, pushed back at the use of any active duty troops, a senior defence official told CBS on Saturday.

Esper did apparently move some 1,600 active duty troops into the metropolitan DC region to respond if needed, according to the report.

The approximately 5,000 National Guard troops already there had not required assistance, however, and the active troops began to leave on Thursday night.

The White House has not commented.

Trump resort to U.S.troops was condemned by retired generals, like General Mattis, who felt he was violating the constitution.  

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