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Unusual weather hits Jos, residents groan










Residents of Jos, Plateau State are lamenting what they call “unusual weather”, which compels them to adopt measures to cope with the condition.

According to News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), the people have suddenly found themselves transiting from a temperature that ranged from 15 degrees to 22 degrees Celsius to a circle of between 24 degrees and 34 degrees Celsius, which makes them very uncomfortable, especially in the afternoon.

Miss Josephine Pam, a student, decried the new weather, which she said was making life very unbearable for her.

Pam said she had resorted to wearing Sunshade glasses to protect herself from the “scorching sunlight” being experienced in the afternoon.

She said she had also resorted to wearing light clothes as against the heavy materials she wore, about two weeks before, in order to cope with the new weather.

She also complained of having constant catarrh caused by the dust being brought by the winds blowing across the city,especially in the morning.

Another resident, Baba Abubakar, said the weather had been so inclement for the last two weeks, compelling him to be wearing light cloth to cope with the situation.

“I also find myself taking a lot of water, about 8 sachets a day, because of the sweating I experience in the afternoon,” said Abubakar, a commercial trycyclist.

Mr Bulus Dung, another resident, said he was already adapting to the new condition by changing his lifestyle including wearing clothes that were appropriate for the weather, and advised fellow residents to do likewise.

Mrs Mary Agada also decried the new weather, saying she preferred the “old weather” because she grew up in Jos where she found the weather to be cool.

“It is a lot easier to deal with cold than heat. When there is cold you just wear heavy cloth to protect yourself, but when the sun is hot like we are experiencing now in Jos, even the fan in your house might not help,” Agada told NAN.

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