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VP Slot: How Tinubu Fought for Shettima

VP Slot: How Tinubu Fought for Shettima %Post Title

Settling for Shettima seemed as difficult as Tinubu’s emergence as the APC presidential candidate, but sources in the party claimed that, Tinubu knew all along that a Muslim-Muslim was his best bet, but the religious politics introduced to it as well as the position of the governors, was what delayed the announcement as he sought more time to convince people to buy into Muslim-Muslim idea, before picking the lucky candidate.While the governors were not very keen about the role of religion in the pairing, they, at many of their meetings with Tinubu, objected to the idea of running with a former governor since Tinubu himself is a former governor.

To that extent, the governors said while Tinubu as the candidate represents the former governors on the ticket, he should pair with a sitting member of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum, for some sort of balancing, which they reckoned would give them a sense of belonging in the Tinubu administration, if he won.Thus, they suggested to him, either the Governor of Borno State, Professor Babagana Zulum, a Muslim, or his Plateau State counterpart, Simon Lalong, a Christian. But they both represent the class of the sitting governors as NGF members.

Yet, they saw problem with the choice of Zulum, since his benefactor and predecessor, Shettima, is also in consideration for the job and might set them against each other. Besides, some had also argued that cancelling out Zulum would not be as difficult since he had personally come out to opt out of the consideration for running mate to Tinubu.

In a statement widely circulated, Zulum, had thanked those touting his name as possible running mate to the APC candidate, saying if there was anything he wanted, it was to return to Borno to finish off the development he had started and this position, he was said to have personally relayed to Tinubu, when he visited Borno to poach delegates ahead of the convention,When it was clear to the governors that Tinubu was not comfortable with the two suggestions (Zulum and Lalong), sources said, they further suggested to him another sitting governor, albeit from North West, he quickly retorted that he could never pair with the particular governor, who many people, including his colleagues considered controversial.

According to the source, Tinubu told them that he could not afford to have the very governor in question in a position he could not fire or reprimand him, whenever he misbehaves, hence, he did not think it was smart to pair with him on the presidential ticket, knowing he would be protected by immunity.But, with the deadline staring them in the face, Tinubu, did not relent on his push for Shettima as he continued to call the governors and other stakeholders, seeking their consent on the choice of the former Borno State governor, whom many believed had since positioned himself for the job.Even more instructive is the fact that, while many of the governors wanted one of them to be on the ticket, they were willing to defer to Tinubu on his choice for running mate, since he’s the candidate.

However, after securing the tacit consent of the governors and other stakeholders, who were also of the view that the candidate should be allowed to choose whoever he could work with, Tinubu then went for Shettima, whom he had always wanted and also resolved to brief Buhari on his choice partner, before a formal announcement is made ahead of the deadline this Friday.Meanwhile, another hurdle more difficult to cross for Tinubu is the thinking he could make Oshiomhole, an intending senator, his campaign DG, an idea, which has been roundly rejected by almost everyone he had broached it with.Tinubu, while meeting with some of the stakeholders, the governors inclusive, had mooted the idea of appointing Oshiomhole to lead his campaign. But the people he ran the idea by immediately protested, saying Oshiomhole would kill his presidential dream.But the presidential candidate had given as his reason for wanting an Oshiomhole to lead his campaign, the “need for a mad man” that could contain the opposition, intimidate them and lead the party to a resounding victory in 2023.

But they immediately told him that, while they agreed that Oshiomhole had the stamina, he was too combative and disruptive to undertake such an assignment, adding also that as a southerner presidential candidate, picking a southerner as DG, especially, after a Muslim-Muslim ticket, might have begun to awkwardly tilt the balance and present a wrong impression overall – to the voting populace.Instead, they suggested a Christian northerner, in which case could be one of them – talking about Lalong of Plateau – or any other prominent Christian northerner, who is not seeking an elective office, so he could concentrate on the campaign 100 per cent.Therefore, while the issue of running mate. Might have been finally laid to rest with Shettima fitting Tinubu’s bill, the choice of who becomes the DG has yet to be addressed as the party gears up for campaign proper. (Thisday)

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