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We’re Engaging With NBC To Resolve AIT, Raypower Licence Issue – DAAR Communications

We’re Engaging With NBC To Resolve AIT, Raypower Licence Issue – DAAR Communications %Post Title

DAAR Communications PLC, the parent company of Africa Independent Television (AIT) and Raypower Networks, has said that it is in talks with the National Broadcasting Commission to resolve its licence issue.  

The NBC had revoked operating licences of AIT, Raypower and those of 50 other broadcast stations across the country and gave them 24 hours to shut down operations.

Addressing the press in Abuja on Friday, Director General of the Commission, Malam Balarabe Shehu Ilelah, said the 52 affected stations had been owing since 2015.

He said the stations were owing about N2.6 billion debt.

According to him, in May, the commission published the names of stations who were yet to renew their licences and granted them two weeks to do so or get their licences revoked.

He said three months after the publication, some stations were yet to pay their outstanding debt in contravention of Act CAP N11, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004, particularly Section 10(a) of the third schedule of the Act.

Ilelah called on all stations that have not renewed their licences for the current duration to do so within 30 days to avoid sanctions.

He also called on all Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) and other broadcast stations that were streaming online to register with the commission to avoid disconnection.

He said even if they pay their outstanding fees, they would have to pay another amount for recommencement of operations.

DAAR Communications PLC in a terse statement on Friday signed by AIT Editor, Terverr Tyav, assured members of the public that the company was engaging with the NBC to resolve the issue.

“The Board and Management of DAAR Communications PLC, assures audiences of AIT and Raypower of engagement with NBC towards resolving the issue,” the statement which was posted on AIT website read.

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