Why is he spending so much time with his widowed sister-in-law?
Since my husband became close to his sister-in-law, I’ve felt very insecure. Her husband (my husband’s brother), sadly passed away about a year ago and since then, my husband has bent over backwards to help her – he literally jumps into action when she calls.
I feel like saying something but I realise how I could come across as a heartless woman who resents him helping my widowed sister-in-law.
By e-mail.
Dear Mobola,
Don’t say anything for now, at least not from a critical or angry standpoint because you might regret it. What your husband is doing is not unusual – it’s what families do. He’s still grieving too, and perhaps helping his sister-in-law is helping him to deal with it too. You could also offer to take some of the responsibility off him and do a few things to help your sister-in-law.