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“Without Firing A Shot, We’ll Defeat Boko Haram In 90 Days With African Science” – Amotekun

"Without Firing A Shot, We’ll Defeat Boko Haram In 90 Days With African Science" – Amotekun %Post Title







With very stern assurances that the Boko Haram insurgency would end in just 90 days, if given the permission to engage the terrorists, the South West security outfit, Operation Amotekun, has offered to help the Federal Government and the Borno State Government in the task of ending the insurgency, without firing a gunshot.

These assurances came from none other than the Director General of Amotekun, Mr. Amitolu Shittu, who has allayed the fears of a blood shed or any unnecessary termination of human lives, as the group reached out to both governments for their nods.

Shittu, who was emphatic that his group will quench the insurgency in 90 days without firing guns or such weaponries and equipment, pleaded that Federal Government and the Borno State Government to give his men the go-ahead while declaring that his outfit will defeat the outlawed terror group in 90 days. Speaking with journalists in Bauchi, Shittu said if the two governments would involve Amotekun to combat the Boko Haram insurgency that they would be defeated in matter of days. He said: “I can assure you that Boko Haram would be defeated within 90 days. Involve different people all over Nigeria, we should forget about ego.

Let’s join hands together and force them out. Amotekun would defeat Boko Haram within 90 days and you would not hear of them again.” According to him, security agencies would not do the work of security alone; Amotekun is there to complement their efforts, adding that security is a joint responsibility, which requires the involvement of everyone in securing the lives and property of the people.

He added: “At my level, we have arrested kidnappers in the forest, hand them over to the Police without firing guns, without doing anything we will capture Boko Haram like fowl and we arrest their commander if we are asked to do so.

“We will use African science, African science is real. Insurgency is abnormal and abnormal situation requires abnormal solutions we will tackle it with all seriousness. It’s not about tea and bread issue but we have the solutions at hand to defeat Boko Haram and banditry. “When you have guns, you have other weapons; there are anti-guns and anti-weapons including bombs and that is what we will deploy to defeat Boko Haram without firing guns.

“Boko Haram is an embarrassment to the nation and we must come together as brothers and sisters to defeat them. We have the capacity to defeat them within 90 days, we will deploy the chemistry of African science.” He explained that the best way to tackle security challenges in Nigeria is that all Nigerians must come together to ensure that Boko Haram, banditry and arm to very is defeated.

“The fight should not be left to security outfits alone, region or groups but everybody has to participate to flush the bad eggs out,” he said.

The Amotekun DG further added that Amotekun was established with the sole aim of supporting the Police, DSS, CSDC, Army and all security agencies in the country both conventional and ordinary and to complement their efforts in the area of community policing and protection of lives and property.

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