Back From The Brink…Wale Tinubu Finds His Groove Back

* Why Gabriele Volpi Will Never Forgive Him
For Wale Tinubu, death was a distant dream. A terrifying but remote legend, until it visited his world and whisked to yonder, Deji, his brother and bosom friend. At Deji’s demise, Wale’s lust for life diminished and he yielded to despair. For Wale, living without Deji, a great sports enthusiast was akin to eating a coconut which is good while it is fresh, but you have to spit it out when the juice is gone because what’s left tastes bitter.
When his brother died some weeks ago, Wale was broken with grief because they were very close. Bitterness ravaged Wale to the tipping point. But by the cautious intervention of friends and loved ones, he retreated from the brink. Eventually, he realised that no one goes through life fueled by bitterness; eventually, it eats you up.
Few weeks after the death of his brother, Deji, Wale has found his groove back. He has quit mourning and this was evident from his poise at the wedding of Aliko Dangote’s daughter in Lagos some days ago.
Wale cut a different picture from the sorrowful brother he became at Deji’s demise; he was in his element in his flowing agbada. A jolly good guy. There is no gainsaying he has been through hell.
Besides his brother’s death, a lot of things had rocked his world in the last few months. His terrible fight with business mogul, Volpi, over a $700miilion he (Wale) allegedly took from him among others generated an ugly buzz about him in the social and mainstream media.
Till date, Volpi hasn’t recovered and sources close to him claim he can never forgive Wale. But while Volpi stews in his loss, Wale has fought his way through grief and other ugliness, to rediscover the good times.
He is about to complete his multimillion-dollar high rise on Walter Carrington Street, Victoria Island, as you read.