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How Davido’s Mum Killed Herself By Suicide – Kemi Olunloyo Omololu

How Davido's Mum Killed Herself By Suicide - Kemi Olunloyo Omololu %Post Title



Controversial journalist, #KemiOlunloyo, has dropped another bombshell online and this time she claimed that #Davido’s mum committed suicide.

Miss Kemi took to her IG to share a video where she revealed why she is feuding with Davido and how his mother, Veronica Adeleke, took her own life. Ofcourse as with many claims by Madam Kemi, this claim has to be taken with a pinch of salt no matter how audacious it is, because madam Kemi has made very wrong claims in the past, some of which has landed her in prison

How Davido's Mum Killed Herself By Suicide - Kemi Olunloyo Omololu %Post TitleHow Davido's Mum Killed Herself By Suicide - Kemi Olunloyo Omololu %Post Title

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