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Linda Ikeji Shares Lovely Photos Of Her Parent As They Celebrate Their 40th Wedding Anniversary

Celebrity blogger and mother of one, Linda ikeji is celebrating her parent as they celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary.

Linda took to her personal IG page to share lovely photos of her parent, with the caption;

Happy 40th wedding anniversary to my mama and papa. They got married on 31st December 1978 and had their wedding Thanksgiving on January 1st 1979. .

40 years on, they are still very much in love and still obsessed with each other.. Wishing them many more happy years together.

Her sister, Sandra also shared the post on Instagram with caption;

Happy 40th wedding anniversary to my beautiful parents. I pray I marry a man that has same qualities as my dad.

Linda Ikeji Shares Lovely Photos Of Her Parent As They Celebrate Their 40th Wedding Anniversary %Post Title

Linda Ikeji Shares Lovely Photos Of Her Parent As They Celebrate Their 40th Wedding Anniversary %Post Title

Linda Ikeji Shares Lovely Photos Of Her Parent As They Celebrate Their 40th Wedding Anniversary %Post Title[/img]

Linda Ikeji Shares Lovely Photos Of Her Parent As They Celebrate Their 40th Wedding Anniversary %Post Title

Linda Ikeji Shares Lovely Photos Of Her Parent As They Celebrate Their 40th Wedding Anniversary %Post Title

Linda Ikeji Shares Lovely Photos Of Her Parent As They Celebrate Their 40th Wedding Anniversary %Post Title

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