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Mr Ibu died of cardiac arrest – Manager

Mr Ibu died of cardiac arrest – Manager %Post Title

Mr Ibu’s manager, Don Single Nwuzo, has confirmed that the comic actor died Saturday evening after suffering cardiac arrest.

It was gathered that the ace actor was admitted a few days ago to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Evercare Hospital in Lekki.

Mr Ibu, 62, had a relapse about a week ago and was rushed to the Lagos-based hospital.

Recall that last year, the actor underwent surgery to amputate one of his legs after soliciting help and prayers.

Following his passage, Mr. Ibu’s colleagues and admirers have showered the comedian with tributes. The actor was well-known for his humorous appearances in numerous films, including A Fool at Forty and Issakaba, for which he received multiple nominations and awards.

Mr. Ibu’s demise coincides with the death of his colleague Tolani Quadri Oyebamiji, also referred to as Sisi Quadri, who passed away on Friday and was buried on Saturday in Iwo, Osun State.

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