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After series of humiliations, Shaibu changes gear in fight with Obaseki

After series of humiliations, Shaibu changes gear in fight with Obaseki %Post Title

Philip Shaibu, the deputy governor of Edo State on Tuesday initiated a process to end hostility with his boss, Godwin Obaseki with withdrawal of the case he filed to stop his impeachment.

The Deputy Governor fell out with his boss after he publicly made known his ambition to contest for next year’s governorship election in the state.

Thereafter, Shaibu filed a case in a Federal Court, in Abuja, and obtained an injunction to forestall possible impeachment.

Besides Governor Godwin Obaseki, other defendants in the suit numbered FHC/ABJ/CS/1027/2023, are the Inspector-General of Police, the State Security Service and the Chief Judge of Edo State.

The Deputy Governor has suffered a series of humiliations from his boss who had serially denied any plan to impeach him but expressed opposition to his governorship ambition.

Just recently, he was stopped by a security operative from going near the governor at a public event in Benin.

The Governor had also disbanded his media team after they were driven out of a venue of an event in the Edo State capital.

Over the weekend, there were reports that Obaseki had ejected Shaibu from Edo State Government’s office. He was given a new office located far out of the government’s house.
However, in a two-paragraph statement dated 5 September, 2023, Shaibu announced that he has taken a decision to withdraw the case filed at Federal High Court, Abuja. himself.

Shaibu said he took the decision following the intervention of some prominent personalities in and outside the state.

The statement reads: “Arising from the series of meetings held with me and also with Mr. Governor by well-meaning Edolites and indeed Nigerians, including party leaders, traditional rulers, and my Archbishop, His Grace Most Rev’d Dr. Augustine Akubeze, the Archbishop of Benin Archdiocese on the issues that led to my going to Court on the above-named suit and with due respect to these eminent personalities and leaders whose persuasions and persons I cannot ignore, I, Rt. Hon. Comrade Philip Shaibu have authorized and instructed my Solicitors to withdraw the suit forthwith.

“I wish to sincerely thank and appreciate these well-meaning Nigerians, Party Leaders, Traditional Rulers, and my Archbishop, His Grace Most Rev. Dr. Augustine Akubeze for their kind words, advise and encouragement thus far in ensuring peace and unity in our dear State, Edo. I also wish to place on record my special thanks to Mr. Governor, my boss and senior brother for this path of peace.

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