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Buhari declines assent to 2018 Electoral Act Amendment bill

Buhari declines assent to 2018 Electoral Act Amendment bill %Post Title
President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday declined assent to the 2018 Electoral Act Amendment bill and returned it to the National Assembly.
That was the fourth time the bill is being rejected by the President as earlier rejections were said to be due to errors in the bill.
Briefing State House correspondents on Friday, the Senior Special Assistant to the President on National Assembly matters (Senate), Ita Enang said that the President in line with the constitution has communicated his decision and returned the bill to the National Assembly.
Enang, who was not categorical on whether the President rejected the bill, said that it’s the National Assembly that can reveal the content of the communication.
But he said that the President has signed the National Open University bill into law.
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